Food in archipelago ancient manuscript seminar at the National Library

Jakarta – In order to enliven The Library Visit Day and Fond of Reading Month, the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia held a national seminar of archipelago manuscript which was be held on 18 and 19 September 2013, in the hall of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. The seminar with the theme Food in archipelago ancient manuscript, presented speakers from various regions in Indonesia through call for papers which carried sub themes as follows: 1. Mythology of Food in the Ancient Manuscript; 2. The Potential of Foods in the Ancient Manuscript; 3. The Processing and Utilization of Food in the Ancient Manuscript. And act as the speaker who open the seminar as well as a keynote speaker is the Deputy of the Development for Library Materials and Information Services, Welmin Sunyi Ariningsih.

In the seminar, it was known that food self-sufficiency in Kampung Naga and Kanekes Baduy at that time have been achieved well due to the good corporation between the government and the community in the processing of rice fields, and what equally important is the post harvest management, how to store in leuit (barn) and taken out the harvest when famine season. Rice crop processed without chemical fertilizers and without pesticides produce durable and white rice. Said Elis Suryani in her paper topic with the title Food Breeding: Mantra Script Local Wisdom-Based.

The speaker who is also interesting is Hermansyah from Aceh with the theme Food Self-sufficiency and Pest Control in Aceh Sultanate Period (Studies of Sarakarta and Manuscript of Aceh). He said that the king had bought a plot of land outside Banda Aceh to quarantine rats so they did not attack the rice crop, when the rats trapped in the quarantine area the rats were fed and forbidden to be killed, but if the rats went out from the quarantine area, the rats can be killed. But it have not revealed about how the rats led to the quarantine area, but it is clearly written in the script about how the rats lined with spells so the rats did not wander outside the quarantine area.

The seminar was followed by about 250 invitations consist of lecturers, College Students, Librarians, Philologist and public observers of manuscript. The complete speakers and paper title are, in the first session which discussed about Sub theme Food Myths in Archipelago Ancient Manuscript with the title, 1. Food Breeding: Mantra Script Local Wisdom-Based by Elis Suryani; 2. Myth of Rice in Coastal Communities of Cirebon in the Script of Serat Satriya Budug Basu by Sinta Ridwan; 3. Sense of togetherness and Concept of common welfare with the Breeding of Rice Crop in the Wawacan Sulanjana by Kalsum.

While the second session discussed about sub theme of Potential of Food in the Archipelago Ancient Manuscript, presented 1. Potential of Food in the Java Script, its Contribution to the Identifier and Identity of Regional, by Suparjo, 2. Food Security in Sector of Agriculture of Ancient Java Society by Titi Surti Nastiti, Mrs. Titi was unable to come because she passed away shortly before the seminar. 3. Types of Foods in Cirebon on the 14th to 15th Century contained in the Cirebon Manuscripts by Nur Hata, 4 Babad Lombok; Babad Palawija kaliyan Palawose by Salfia Rahmawati)

For the third session, still discussed about the same sub theme in session 2 which are 5. Babad Kawung by Iskandarwassid. 6. Potential of Fishery Resources as One of National Food Security : A Local Wisdom in Old Malay Manuscript by Asep Yudha Wirajaya. 7. Mythology, Rheological, and Food Symbolic Meaning in Old Javanese – Bali Manuscript by I. Made Suparta. I Made Suparta was also unable to come due to something.

In the last panel or the forth on the second day which discussed about the sub theme: the utilization and processing of Food in the Archipelago Ancient Manuscript presented with the title 1. Dharma Caruban : Balinese Recipes Books by Gusti Ayu Novaeni. 2. Culinary and Manuscript of Banyumas by Sugeng Priadi and the last is 3. Food self-sufficiency and Pest Control in Aceh Sultanate Period (Studies of Sarakarta and Manuscript of Aceh) by Hermansyah.

The seminar which was held for two days officially closed by Head of Special Collection Service Division Dina Isyanti with the hope that what can be known from this manuscript become a reflection that to study the ancient local wisdom for today welfare.





National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, 20 September 2013, (Friday)