Self Identity

Self Identity

Self Identity

self·-identity (-ī dentə tē)


  1. the identity of a thing with itself
  2. awareness of one’s individual identity


self-i·den·ti·ty (sĕlfˌī-dĕnˈtĭ-tē)


  1. Oneness of a thing with itself.
  2. Awareness of and identification with oneself as a separate individual.


Developing a sense of self is an essential part of every individual becoming a mature person. Each person’s self-conception is a unique combination of many identifications, identifications as broad as woman or man, Catholic or Muslim, or as narrow as being a member of one particular family. Although self-identity may seem to coincide with a particular human being, identities are actually much wider than that. They are also collective — identities extend to countries and ethnic communities, so that people feel injured when other persons sharing their identity are injured or killed. Sometimes people are even willing to sacrifice their individual lives to preserve their identity group(s). For the large, collective identities are necessary.[1] People who share the same collective identity think of themselves as having a common interest and a common fate.




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